Legally Reviewed By:
Brian P. Gabriel, Esquire
A DUI is a considerable legal hurdle for the everyday person; however, if you are a college student and an athlete, the repercussions of a DUI extend far beyond the scope of the sentence. As a college student, you will likely face both legal and disciplinary actions from the school you attend following a DUI arrest.
Student-athletes facing DUI charges endure particularly devastating and embarrassing consequences. If your dream is to one day play in professional sports, you jeopardize the odds when you get caught driving under the influence. Here, we’ll explore the ways that a college DUI can impact your future as a student-athlete.
3 Ways a DUI Can Sabotage your Athletic Career
#1 A DUI Attracts Unwanted Negative Publicity
The impact of a DUI on student athletes tends to be much heavier than it is for the everyday person. Unlike average citizens, athletes of all levels receive media attention. A DUI attracts negative publicity for the player and school. At the time of the festivities that led to the DUI, the athlete might not have thought long-term about his decision to drink and drive; but when news of the DUI surfaces, it can provoke scorn from coaches, competitors, the school itself and even fans. Depending on the amount of publicity the DUI receives, it could hurt the squad’s chance of success.
#2 You Could Be Suspended
College students who are caught drinking and driving face disciplinary actions from the college or university they attend on top of criminal penalties. If you were arrested and charged for a DUI in Florida, you can:
- Spend up to six months in a county jail or be sentenced to no more than one year of probation.
- You have your license revoked for 180 days.
- Attend DUI school.
- Be sentenced to complete up to 50 hours of community service.
- Be required to pay between $250 and $500 in court fines.
Student-athletes can bear all those penalties in addition to the penalties carried out by the school or university, such as being suspended or expelled from the school itself.
#3 You Could Lose your Scholarship
If you are attending the university you play for on a sports scholarship, you will lose that scholarship if you are suspended. Students who wish to continue their education but have lost their scholarships end up paying for school by taking out student loans, which are increasingly significant financial burdens. Unfortunately, many students drop out because they cannot afford to continue their education.
An athlete who doesn’t play for a university or college has a very slim chance of being noticed by professional sports. Being kicked off the squad because of a DUI can end your athletic career before it even starts.
Push back against DUI charges with the help of an esteemed West Palm Beach DUI attorney. For over 30 years, attorney Brian Gabriel of The Law Office of Gabriel & Gabriel has dedicated his career to tough DUI defense throughout Palm Beach County. He has extensive experience challenging the tests that prove intoxication and works diligently to have your DUI charges dismissed. Call 561-622-5575 or contact Mr. Gabriel online for a free consultation.