Speeding is one of the most common traffic violations for which Florida drivers receive tickets. Many have gotten a speeding ticket for going a few miles per hour over the limit. Some may have received a ticket for traveling 10 or more miles per hour over the limit. At times, when traveling at this speed, you may not even realize it until it’s too late — when a cop starts flashing their lights behind us.
Minor speeding offenses are usually simple to defend with the help of an attorney. The court does not typically require you to make a physical appearance, meaning that your lawyer can appear on your behalf. If you’re instructed to take a driving course, completing the course usually leads to the dismissal of any points against your license. Additionally, you can choose to pay the fine with a check; however, paying traffic tickets does not make your license points disappear.
A charge of speeding at or more than 50 miles per hour over the limit is a completely different scenario. If an officer catches you traveling 90 MPH in a 40 MPH zone, it’s difficult to assert that you didn’t realize your speed. A high-speed traffic charge requires the help of an attorney to gather evidence and develop a well-organized defense. A traffic lawyer with experience defending high-speed moving violations is crucial to securing your future.
How Serious is Driving 50 MPH or More Over the Limit in Florida?
Driving 50 or more miles per hour over the limit is described in Florida statute §316.1926. If you received a citation for driving 50 MPH over the limit, the infraction is a non-criminal offense with harsh penalties. If you’re convicted, you could incur up to four (4) points against your driver’s license and a fine of $1,000. You could also lose your license through a license suspension. A court appearance is necessary for this offense, so if you don’t show up, the court can issue an administrative license suspension.
Your Second and Third Conviction of Driving 50 MPH Over the Speed Limit
If you’re convicted of driving at 50 or more miles per hour over the speed limit a second time, your second offense may lead to:
- A $2,500 fine
- A one-year license revocation, the surrender of your license and registration
- Points against your license
A third conviction of driving at 50 miles per hour over the speed limit is a third-degree felony offense. You may face:
- A $5,000 fine
- License revocation for 10 years
- Points against your license
- A criminal record
Enhanced penalties for going 50+ miles per hour over the limit in a school or work zone may be possible, such as:
- Double the fine
- Mandatory traffic school
- Points against your license despite completion of traffic school
Speeding at such high speeds is often associated with crimes like reckless driving or racing on the highway, or even fleeing police. If you’re charged with this offense, it may be in combination with other serious charges.
Fighting a Citation for Driving at 50 MPH Above the Limit in West Palm Beach
It’s important to protect your driver’s license in West Palm Beach. An allegation of speeding excessively, such as at 50 or more miles per hour over the limit, can lead to a suspension or revocation of your driving privileges. That’s why it’s urgent, for even one ticket, to seek the help of a lawyer to keep points away. Attorney Brian P. Gabriel of The Law Office of Gabriel & Gabriel has extensive experience defending criminal traffic charges.
Throughout his over 30 year career, Brian Gabriel has walked clients through the intricate processes necessary to navigate the criminal justice system. He holds a favorable reputation among fellow lawyers, law enforcement officers, judges, prosecutors, and others involved in the court system in West Palm Beach. Find out how he can mitigate the effects of a charge of speeding at 50 miles per hour over the limit by calling 561-622-5575 or completing an online contact form for a free consultation.