Criminal Defense Attorney Greenacres
Dealing with criminal charges can significantly impact your future. If convicted, the consequences can be wide-reaching. Potential outcomes include hefty fines that can affect your personal finances and jail time. Moreover, an arrest record could mitigate access to housing or employment opportunities. The truth is that trying to address criminal charges without having the best possible Greenacres criminal defense attorney by your side could cost you everything.
Aligning yourself with dedicated lawyer Brian P. Gabriel is the best way to protect your future. Skilled and tenacious, Mr. Gabriel will look at the weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and develop strategic defenses that benefit each client.
Benefits of Hiring an Experienced Greenacres Criminal Defense Lawyer
For more than 30 years, Greenacres criminal defense attorney Brian Gabriel has defended those accused of criminal offenses throughout Greenacres, Florida. He has practiced throughout the state to fight for the rights of those facing criminal charges for:
- White-collar crimes
- Drug crimes
- Sex crimes
- Serious traffic offenses
- Juvenile crimes
- Weapons and firearm offenses
- Theft crimes
With his extensive experience fighting DUI charges, misdemeanor and felony crimes, Mr. Gabriel may be your best chance at a positive case outcome.
What to Expect If You Are Charged with a Crime
Your first question after being charged might be “What happens now?” You may feel as if the entire legal process is somewhat intimidating and that you have little to no control over how it progresses. You may be subject to further interrogation regarding the circumstances of the crime, and law enforcement might have multiple rounds of questioning. Your Greenacres criminal defense attorney will act as a buffer in this situation, shielding you from any questions that are unethical, illegal, or inappropriate.
Mr. Gabriel will discuss with you all of your options, including any plea bargains offered to you. Prior to the trial, you will engage in preparation to ensure that you are aware of how the trial will proceed and what to expect in terms of your role. You can expect honest, open communication regarding your case and a clear outlay of possible outcomes going into a trial.
Comprehensive DUI Defense in Greenacres
Your first DUI in Greenacres can have lasting effects on your criminal record and reputation. The charges against you alone can even come up on a background check before you are even tried for the crime. Although you may be tempted to plead guilty to receive a lighter sentence if you are charged with a DUI crime, it is crucial to remember that a DUI conviction can never be expunged in Florida. Brian Gabriel has dedicated a significant portion of his career to DUI defense in Greenacres, defending misdemeanor and felony DUI cases, including repeat DUI, DUI with property damage and DUI manslaughter.
When you face DUI charges in Greenacres, you can trust Mr. Gabriel to defend your case thoroughly. He holds an esteemed reputation among fellow defense attorneys, prosecutors, and judges throughout Greenacres. He is passionate about exploring every detail of your case for the most solid possible defense. Having defended DUI for over 30 years, Brian Gabriel holds a deep understanding of every legal defense against DUI, including all the scientific arguments against the Intoxilyzer 8000, the breath test approved for evidentiary use by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
Schedule a Free Consultation to Learn How a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help
No matter the circumstances, being charged with a crime is severe and requires sound legal representation. Greenacres Attorney Brian Gabriel has worked across various practice areas to hone his abilities in everything from DUI to white-collar crimes. He will handle your case using all the knowledge and skill developed over the span of his career.
Schedule a free consultation today by calling The Law Office of Gabriel & Gabriel at (561) 622-5575. You can also contact the office online to learn more.